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What is Ahimsa?

The other day as I was journaling, I thought it would be interesting to create an online journal. The thought that followed was: How stupid, no one would want to read that, and that's where ahimsa comes in. I first learned about ahimsa in my Yoga Teacher Training. Ahimsa is a Yama (the first limb of yoga) and it is defined as, "the principle of nonviolence toward all living things."  Some yogis, myself included, do not eat meat because this is. However, this is a very basic example of ahimsa as it runs much deeper than physical harm. Circling back, the thought I had about not creating this blog because it's a "stupid idea" is not practicing ahimsa. Any negative thought is considered violence, whether toward yourself or any other being.  HOW TO PRACTICE AHIMSA Well, that's just it, it's a  practice. If you want to get better at the piano, you take piano lessons. For some reason, as humans, a lot of us are hard-wired to believe that

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